Application Fee...................$20
This is to be sent in with the application
Tuition for Semester .........$120 ($60 per class credit)
The application fee is included as part of this fee.
*We are hoping to make a scholarship fund available. If there is a need, give us a call and we will discuss with you the requirements.
*For married couples: When a husband and wife enroll together, tuition is waived for the spouse taking the fewest credits.
Books for Semester............(around)$35
(shopping around may find some good deals)
Greek 1...........................$120+books
How is the ministry of
Camp Winchester Bible Institute supported?
Camp Winchester Bible Institute is an independent faith ministry that has no denominational or organizational backing. Our tuition is kept as low as possible to make CWBI affordable to all so only a fraction of our financial needs are met in this way.
For our primary means of monetary support, we are dependent on the gifts of God’s people who stand with us for the truth of His Word rightly divided. So, if you agree with what we are doing and believe that understanding God's Word in its entirety and in its context is important, we would like to ask you to consider becoming a partner of the ministry of Camp Winchester Bible Institute through regular prayer and financial support.
Your help would be truly appreciated. .