In 1993, The Lord opened a door for us to have an impact on families and churches. That ministry is Family And Children Educational Ministries or FACE Ministries. Our immediate desire is to make ourselves available to your churches and small groups to encourage families to be faithful in bringing up their sons and daughters to be the powerful godly men and women of the next generation.
In the summer of 2005, our dream of starting our own camp through FACE Ministries became a reality. The Seale family's 40 acre property is now slowly being transformed into what we are calling Camp Winchester.
While Camp Winchester's summer program is in transition, the camp continues in offering:
It is our desire that through these programs, Camp Winchester will be a place for families and groups to get away from the city and daily grind, a place for families and groups to be quiet and still before the Lord; a place to include the whole family to enjoy spending time together while enjoying God's beautiful creation and a place to learn more of God's world and of His Word.
Our acreage is small, but nonetheless, The Lord can, and will use Camp Winchester to bring peace to the hearts of His children, so they can come out to the country... and be still, and know that He is God!
Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ Name.